I'd seen them when Kim and I went to the Scott's Antique Market.
Then, Alison @ The Polohouse showed them in her post.
Since the Hedge apples I saw at Scott's weren't very pretty, I didn't buy any and decided to look for some online.
They arrived Saturday, and I've had so much fun trying them in different places around the house.
First, I put them on my transferware platter on the chest in the entry, and added a flower arrangement.
Then I tried them in a chicken wire basket, but changed my mind. The wire seemed too sharp; and I was afraid it would cut the fruit.
Then, I put one in a copper bowl with some other natural elements.
Then, I tried them in a soup tureen on the kitchen table.
Hmmm, I think I need a bigger tureen.
You can see why they are sometimes called green brain or brain fruit.
And last, thinking ahead to Marty's Cloche Party on Nov. 1st, I put one under a cloche.
What do you think? Have I caught Hedge Apple fever?
Here's the online source for my Hedge apples:
Lavender Hill Farm. Their customer service is excellent. Tredd and Stacy were so nice when I said, "Please send pretty ones;" and they even asked if I'd like medium or large size.
And NO...they're NOT paying me to say this. :)
Let's head over to Marty's for Table Top Tuesday and see all the great posts.
Then, I'll see y'all at Kim's Savvy Southern Style for Wow Us Wednesdays, and
Sherry's @ No Minimalist Here for Open House Party Thursday.
I love them and glad you found some to use. I may have to order some, too.
oh wow, I like those. how unique they are.
How fun, Babs! I caught hedge apple fever last year when I started seeing them on blogs, but never followed through. I love yours and they are pretty! Happy week!...hugs...Debbie
I had no idea you could mail order hedge apples! They grow all over the place around my neighborhood. They neighboring horse farms probably planted them intentionally years ago for the horses to snack on. They do make the prettiest decor...the texture is unbeatable! But I'm preachin' to the choir on that one!
Love your post! I could have sent you a box full from Ky.You could have sent me more acorns! lol
I'm pretty sure I saw these for the first time last year on "Hyacinths for the Soul". I loved them. I didn't realize you could buy them online.
I love every application of yours. They would be just perfect here in about a dozen places.
I'm checking out the online source.
I have never heard of hedge apples! they are so amazing aren't they? I love the way you have displayed them under the cloche and I also loved them sitting on your stunning transferware plate.
Thanks so much for dropping by today-it's lovely to meet you and to find another Christmas kindred spirit!
Best wishes,
YES!!! You've caught the fever...and YES!!! you bought pretty ones, indeed! I adore the hedge apples in the copper pot with all the natural elements! Under your glass cloche, elegant.
Yours look great! I first learned about these on the Nell Hills blog. I like it with the copper bowl and the natural elements- definitely a winner! Love your cloche- it's very classy!
Those are so cool! I have to find some! I wanted to let you know that I've passed the Versatile Blogger Award to you. Here's the link to my blog post about it: http://worthingcourt.blogspot.com/2011/10/award-and-things-you-may-not-know-about.html
Take care.
The Osage orange is a weird looking fruit, but makes for great decorating as you have found...love them in that wire basket.
Babs, I could have sent you all the Osage oranges, hedge apples, horse apples, whatever you care to call them for free! They grow prolifically in our area. They do not repel spiders...I tried that when I first moved here!
I'm so glad you were able to find some. I love them! I have fake ones. They look really good on your brown and white transferware! I love apple green and choc brown together anyway.
Babs you displayed your hedge apples beautifully! Your photos are gorgeous! Martina
They are beautiful and such a gorgeous shade of green!! They would have been perfect with the hydrangeas my aunt gave me! Thanks for stopping by!!
I've seen these before but didn't know what they were called. They're really cool! I like the one under the cloche.
Goodness... those are adorable. I remember, when I was in my country, Philippines in my younger days, we have a tree at the backyard.
Ahhh... I never realize until now that they are so pretty.
Greetings from chilly Stockholm,
Hi Babs, I have never heard of hedge apples, but I sure do love their texture. I assume they are not edible. Love the way they look in your vignettes. They'll be fun to use year-round! Linda
They are pretty ones, we call them Osage Apples and they are rolling in the street down from my house. This time of year when they come off the trees I usually go gather some pretty ones too. Your inspiring settings will send me into traffic this morning to gather some. Thanks for getting me off my duff today.
I've never heard of or seen these before; but, yes, I think you've caught Hedge Apple fever & would, too! They are so textural & artsy looking. I like them on the tray in your first photo & in the cloche. It's so fun to play, isn't it?
:) CAS
Your hedge apples are fabulous and I love all of your ideas for displaying them. Beautiful with the pods, and gorgeous on the transferware platter, but of course you know that I drooled over the cloche display. Love it. Thanks so much for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty
Thise are so pretty, such beautiful texture and color!..Christine
Wow, these are so unusual. They look great displayed anyway!
Babs, just gorgeous in every way you have them displayed.
Barb ♥
I love how you have the hedge apples displayed. It just adds a gorgeous color!! I'm here from Wow Us Wed.
These are so cool. I love the color of them. One of the girls I work with said if you put them in your basement you won't have spiders. Had you ever heard that? I sure wouldn't waste these lovely things in a basement though...spiders or no spiders! Great post Babs...have a good rest of the week.
OH MY GOODNESS I HAD NO IDEA!! I have a yard FULL of them ;) They've been showing up in my posts - I even have one with my cat playing "hedgeball soccer." But YOU do them real justice in these photos. Just beautiful!
Babs, these are so pretty! Glad you found a home for them! The color is just stunning!
Babs, I discovered horse apples a few years ago, even though I've seen them before. I love to use them in fall decor, but not one has been spotted on the tree down the street. I did see them in a park in France. Wish I could have carted them home. ~ Sarah
Be careful where you place them. They will begin to breakdown and leak, so you don't want them on anything that they could damage. I always put foil or something under them in wooden containers. Learned the hard way!
I'm with Christina at I Gotta Create--here we have these "things" all over the place, I mean, we run over them with our cars everywhere, and now I come to find out they're DESIREABLE! Go figure! And I couldn't agree more; they are in fact beautiful, now that I look at them through this "other lens." I wonder where I'll find some other than a busy road, because I "gotta" have them now! :) Any idea how long they last in the house before they go bad? Thanks for enlightening me!
You have caught the fever and all your vignettes look wonderful. We are lucky to have them available. The village has one tree on the side of the road and I seem to be the only one who picks them up for display. There is also a very old tree on my neighbor's property line in the woods. I forget about them until it's almost too late.....before the animals find them. Going to look today! :)
Those hedge apples are such a fun shade of green and really add a pop to your photos. I love them and your blog, I am a new follower.
Did I get everyone to jump on the bandwagon when I showed my hedge apples? LOL They are hard to find around here but I went to a local park and picked them up off the ground. Free!!! Did you read in my post that some people call them "monkey balls." tee hee...
Yours look lovely in all of your displays. They're tough- so no wire basket will harm them. And they'll last for a while, too. Just don't let them get mushy- Mine have been in my vignette for a couple of weeks now. :-) Sue
I like hedge apples too. You found a great source. Every time I move mine and change the container they are in I always move it back to the same place and same container. I love the green color- it makes me happy because it is so cheerful. Yours look great.
They are so pretty! You have given me the fever!
Glad to provide you with the "excuse" you need to go shopping for your Thanksgiving table, Babs! thanks for visiting. I hope to have hedge apples on my table by then, if they're still around (may be too late by then in Ohio???). Let me know what you decide on your table. We'll have two little blessings at our table too. :) I'll set their places with Bunnykins, because that's "their china."
Those look wonderful. Your vignettes are just so pretty. Hum, now I might have to lok a little closer for these! Have a wonderful day!
Love 'em Babs! And you sure did have fun playing with them. They add so much pretty color to your decor. I'll prob be ordering some for myself. Thanks for sharing the source.
I forgot to tell you that I love your brown transferware!! It adds such a warm, cozy feeling!!!
Hi Babs, I had never seen these until yesterday when Lynn @ A Vintage Nest took me to pick some. There is a tree close to her house loaded with them. I got as many as I could fit in a grocery bag! I love the way you have them displayed. Thanks for linking to the Open House party.
Never saw this post before Babs!
Thanks so much for the mention!
Your osage oranges/hedge apples looked amazing in each and every container.
Babs, I posted about these again and put a link on Facebook. Debbie sent me this link to tell me where you ordered some. I need to find a new source, but I think I can probably get them from friends who have them in their yards. I think they are everywhere in Dallas. ;-)
Hope all is good. I've missed you! ~ Sarah
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