Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Birds and Butter Beans

Hey, everyone. I'm sorry I haven't posted much this past week. 
In addition to not being very creative, I've been trying to get a little yard work done while the weather is nice. 
Temps have been in the 60s, and after all that yard work, :) I'm ready for a break...

...sitting out on the deck watching the birds.

I found this cute Robin pillow at Kohl's, and decided to gussy up the bare glider. 

I brought out a rust pillow and a green throw, added some greenery from shrubs in the yard, and my favorite hurricane and candle. 
 Do you see the Butter Beans?

I used them in the hurricane, as a base for the candle. 
How Southern is that? :)

We've been enjoying watching the birds at the make-shift feeder. 

 We felt sorry for the poor birds, when the weather got bad, so Hubby quickly made this feeder on the deck. 

We haven't fed the birds at the old yard feeder for several years, because of the feral cats. But, I really missed seeing the birds. 
We weren't even sure if they'd come to the feeder, but we've been getting a few Chickadees, Blue Jays, Mocking birds, Brown Thrashers...and there is a courting pair of Cardinals, who feed each other. So cute.

Come on over and join me. I have another cozy throw and...

...tea and cookies waiting for you.

Wishing Spring will soon be here for everyone up North, too. 
xo Babs

Let's Party 

     The Tablescaper ~ Seasonal Sunday
           Dwellings ~ Amaze Me Monday

      The Dedicated House ~ Make it Pretty Monday        
      Between Naps On The Porch ~ Metamorphosis Monday
A Stroll Thru Life ~ Inspire Me Tuesday
Coastal Charm ~ Nifty Thrifty Tuesday
Our Home Away From Home ~ Tuesdays at Our Home
Savvy Southern Style ~ Wow Us Wednesday
A Southern Daydreamer ~ Outdoor Wednesday
Ivy and Elephants ~ What's It Wednesday
The Style Sisters ~ Centerpiece Wednesday
StoneGable ~ Tutorials, Tips and Tidbits ~Thursday
Between Naps On The Porch ~ Tablescape Thursday
The Tablescaper ~ Oh, The Places I've Been~Thursday
Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson ~ Share Your Cup Thursday
Lamberts Lately ~ Create It Thursday
My Turn for Us ~ Freedom Fridays Blog Hop
Common Ground ~ Be Inspired Friday
The Charm of Home ~ Home Sweet Home Friday
The Thrifty Groove and A La Carte ~ Thrifty Things Friday
The Dedicated House ~ Anything Blue Friday

The Jenny Evolution ~ Friday Flash Blog


  1. This is really pretty and looks so inviting. We also love watching the birds on our feeders. Looking forward to spring!

  2. The colors and the textures are so welcoming. We had a little taste of spring today - the birds singing up a storm - 82 degrees. A huge difference when you consider last Friday it was 41 degrees INSIDE the house.

  3. So glad you are getting a little spring. We are too! We've been working out in the flower bed and feeding the birds. :)

    Your porch looks so pretty. That pillow would match my patio. Might need to go to Kohls.

  4. Babs,
    Since arriving on this side of the Prairie, we have enJOYed "bird~watching" immensely!
    I can remember the days while employed, to rush home, open the Patio Door and sit with "Maurice" and watch the birds while I sorted the days mail. Such a calming balm to my soul after a full day of Middle Schoolers!
    Your deck area looks so~o~o inviting, dear friend!!!
    We enJOYed 68 degrees here yesterday...opened the Patio door and watched the birds and our resident squirrel!
    Soon...very soon...I'll attend to the Herb Garden!

  5. Oh this looks so pretty, Babs! Love the pillow. Maybe I need to go to Kohl's! Hope you are having a good week. Don't you love the warmer temps? I sure do!

  6. What a pretty outdoor space you have created...looks so inviting! And I am loving the springtime touches:) The robin pillow is beautiful, I think I need to stop by at Kohl's:)I also love that gorgeous patio table, would you mind sharing where you bought it? Bird-watching is always so much fun! Enjoy the warm weather! hugs, Poppy

  7. Babs, I've been sneaking time in the garden too. So much to do after the freezing temps. I'll be replanting all the urns as soon as plants are available and the chance of another freeze is past.
    Love your cozy little spot for tea. I'll happily join you.
    Loving the new pillow.

  8. Hi Babs! Your pretty pillow caught my eye over at the Share Your Cup Thursday party. Love your bird feeder and I must admit that I am very jealous you can do yard work in February and sit outside with a cup of tea! Glad I found you at the party and now following you on G+.
    Marie @ The Interior Frugalista

  9. Hi Babs- boy I like that Robin pillow! Your deck area looks so inviting. I like the beans with the candle and the throw on the bench. I sure wish I could get outside to do something! I've got to get through March before that will happen. Enjoy the outdoors :-)

  10. Two thumbs up for your gussying. I love it all. I really love the butter beans in the hurricane. I love to use beans and split peas, etc. in decorating, but I have never used butter beans. I will most definitely be copycatting you!

  11. Babs- You are really on the top of decorations!! that's the greatest idea of using the beans in the candle base. To really bring out color - i have a similar hurricane glass dome and I'm going to try black beans!! Love your Robin pillow - great find!! I'm soooo ready for spring too!

  12. I love the pops of orange you brought outside on your back deck! So pretty! That bird pillow is just perfect out there too. What a creative bird feeder your husband made. I see you already have visitors too.

  13. I can't wait for better weather and the chance to start bringing everything out onto the veranda. It won'd be long!
    Your glider looks very pretty with the new cushion and I love the idea of using butter beans in the base of your hurricane.

  14. So pretty and inviting! I'm glad you're able to be outside. We've had warmer temps here but the wind is awful.


  15. Oh how I envy you sitting on your deck watching the birds. Nothing like that going on around here.

  16. What a fabulous pillow, that robin looks like it is just resting fro a minute before taking to the air.
    Those maple flavored cookies were my mother's favorite snack before she went to bed...I buy a box of them when I am really missing her.
    Have a wonderful week, Babs.

  17. I am new to your blog and came from a blog hop. Love the pillow you have - beautiful ! Please come and visit me on my blog as well.

    Have a great weekend!


  18. Oh I can't wait to get out and work in the garden. I did rake the front beds, but the snow just melted from the back and the last couple of days it's been cold again. Love the pillow! Looks like an expensive Pottery Barn one. Yup, butter beans are great. I have coffee beans around a candle by my tub. I don't even drink coffee, but that smell sure is nice when I'm taking a soak. Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  19. I was just in Kohl's today Bab's... wish I went and looked in there pillow that pillow!!

  20. You've gotta get to that yard work while the gettin' is good! Spring will be upon you Southerners before you know it, and you'll want things at least on the way to spruced up so that you can enjoy yourself outdoors after this long, crazy winter. I'm afraid Mother Nature will just continue to torture us Northerners for at least another couple of months. She's a meanie sometimes, that Mother Nature! :-)

    I love your new pillow! It's great to herald Spring! And butter beans...I don't know if I've ever eaten those before or not. My Mom used to cook beans a lot as a side dish when we were kids, so I probably have. It will be cold out again next week after a day in the upper 50s today, so maybe that will be something good to try with "fake ham" in it. Gotta watch that salt intake around here! :-)

    Enjoy your nice weather, and remember to bend at the knee and rest that back every few minutes!


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