Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Plants and Pork

We had rain last night, and my poor Cannas were bent down from the rain. So, I cut them to bring in for a quick floral arrangement. 

There was only one orange bloom, so I cut some leaves for filler.

I cut the yellow ones, too, but the arrangement didn't look that great. The Japanese beetles are chewing on them...and everything else.

Here's a little grouping I made on the deck side table.
The sedum in front, is new. Sorry, I don't know the name of it.  
The October Daphne sedum, behind it, is a left-over piece of one I divided and transplanted this morning. 
The cactus is ceramic. Well, I wanted three things for the pic, so it was handy.

After I finished playing with the plants, I decided to make a pork tenderloin for supper. 

Warning! I'm a person who doesn't use recipes a lot. I just cook. :)

Here's how I made pork tenderloin with mango jam sauce.

 I browned the tenderloin in 2 T. oil and a small pat of butter. 
Added about 1/3 c. chopped banana peppers. I had a ton of them frozen from last year...and a sliced red onion.
I added about a half cup of water, and simmered everything with the lid on, until it was tender.

When the tenderloin was done, I removed it from the pan, and added about half a jar of mango jam to the sauce/drippings in the pan. 
Then, I cranked up the heat for a minute, to reduce the sauce to a thicker consistency.

Slice the meat, top with sauce, and serve over rice. 

Hubby gave it two thumbs up, so I'll probably make this again.

Plants and pork. Two of my favorite things. 

xo Babs

Fun Parties to Visit:
           Dwellings ~ Amaze Me Monday
    Between Naps On The Porch ~ Metamorphosis Monday
The Dedicated House ~ Make It Pretty Monday
Creative Country Mom's Garden ~ Home Sweet Garden ~Tuesday
A Stroll Thru Life ~ Inspire Me Tuesday
Coastal Charm ~ Show and Share
Our Home Away From Home ~ Tuesdays at Our Home
StoneGable~ The Scoop
Savvy Southern Style ~ Wow Us Wednesday
A Southern Daydreamer ~ Outdoor Wednesday
Ivy and Elephants ~ What's It Wednesday
The Style Sisters ~ Centerpiece Wednesday
A Delightsome Life ~ Home and Garden Thursday
Between Naps On The Porch ~ Tablescape Thursday
Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson ~ Share Your Cup Thursday
Lamberts Lately ~ Create It Thursday
My Turn for Us ~ Freedom Fridays Blog Hop
The Charm of Home ~ Home Sweet Home Friday
The Dedicated House ~ Anything Blue Friday
The Jenny Evolution ~ Friday Flash Blog
Rooted in ThymeSimple and Sweet Friday


  1. Oh yum, ya gotta love the pig! Sounds like a great meal and a very interesting jam... Gonna look for it-thanks:@)

  2. Pretty flowers- I guess we've all had a lot of rain lately! Cute vignette of plants on the table! That recipe sounds good- I don't know that I've seen mango jam before! I bet the peppers kicked it up a notch!

  3. We have been getting lots of rainy daily too. I love your bouquet. xo

  4. Oh my goodenss does that porkloin ever look good. We cook that a lot but I've never had it done that way. I bet the mango sauce makes it a little sweet. Yum! I've never had any cannas before. They are so pretty. Glad that you finally got some rain!

  5. Babs,
    I love, LOVE, L O V E Pork Tenderloin!!! Mango Jam, hm~m~m. . .that's on this week's grocery list, dear friend!!! Love your recipe!!! That's my kinda' cookin'!
    The orange cannas is exquisite!!!

  6. Lovely Cannas!! I believe this is the first orange ones I've seen!

  7. You roped me in at the title of your post, Babs!!! Ramon 's favorite flower in the world is the canna. He bought several bulbs for me years ago. Unfortunately, they were left behind when I moved from my condo for us to get married. He's been bugging me about planting cannas again ever since! Seeing yours - especially the yellow! - makes me want to go ahead and give it a try. I think they come in short, too? The only sunny place we could plant them is right out in the middle of nowhere, so they'd have to be short or risk getting blown to bits by this crazy KC wind!!!

    I've never seen the Smuckers mango jam here in the KC area. Wow...I need to ask about that! Your pork recipe looks really tasty, and I LOVE the "easy" part of the recipe! :-)

    Have a great weekend, m'dear!

  8. Oh you truly have paradise perfection going on in your home.

    Can't wait to try the recipe.
    Have a lovely 4th of July.

  9. Love your recipe. I will be trying this.

    Insects are eating all my plants. You would think after the winter we had they would be better not worse!


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