Over the years we've driven this route many times and believe me, I know all the best places to stop.
Here's one of my favorite stops on the Interstate... giggle .
One of the things I like about Rest Areas, other than the obvious, is the landscaping.
As you may know, I'm a garden and plant nut and looking at plants is a nice diversion from reading the tags on passing cars. (I get bored easily when traveling.)
There is one Rest Area in North Carolina that is especially nice. It's on I 85 in Alamance County and both north and south bound areas are beautifully landscaped.
This is the North bound area.
There must be several thousand day lilies blooming in great sweeping beds.
Oak leaf hydrangea
The ladies at the information center were so nice and told me the yellow day lilies are called "Mary Todd" and the orange ones are "Orange Crush".
This is the South bound area. Not only does it have the huge beds of the Mary Todd lilies but more Orange Crush.
You'll also see hostas, magnolia, gardenia and Japanese maples. I like the way they used variegated liriope to edge the beds.
There's a split rail fence along one of the walk ways.
These bright green hostas are beside the refreshment building. There was no one to ask about their name but they look a lot like the ones in my yard which are called "Dawn's Early Light."
Orange Crush day lilies and Japanese maple.
Magnolia blossom
I hope you get a chance to visit this Rest Area sometime. It's one of those lovely little surprises along the way.
I'm on my way to
visit Susan @ A Southern Daydreamer
for Outdoor Wednesday and
Kim @ Savvy Southern Style for Wow Us Wednesday.
See you there. :)

I never thought a rest area could be so pretty. But then again, we just got back form N.C. and everything was beautiful!! great pictures, Babs!
That's one of the nicest landscaped rest areas I have seen. NC. usually does keep their roadways nice.
Beautiful outdoor shots!!!
What gorgeous flowers. I love the daffodils and the day lilies!
Beautiful! I don't think I've ever seen a pretty rest area. Thanks for sharing!
Well this really would be a special surprise along the way!
I've never thought of a rest area as a thing of beauty -- but you sure have captured that beauty. Terrific flowers!
I got the biggest chuckle out of the fact you took a moment to shoot an image of the 'rest area' sign!!! I am still chuckling..... I do this type of thing to my family all the time and they must think I am a little nuts! Glad to know there are more of us out there!!!! Love the pics. Thanks for sharing them!
Beautiful garden borders!!!I adore the Mary Todd daylilies!!! Thank you for this "restful" post!
Wow! I've never seen such a beautiful rest stop! It's wonderful to see a state take pride in keeping up the beauty of its public facilities.
Didn't know public facilities could be so beautiful.
Joyce M
Those orange crush day lilies are just gorgeous!! I don't think I've seen any rest areas this well landscaped. Beautiful! Thanks for sharing.
Wow, lush landscaping for a rest area. It certainly makes our little stops not so annoying it its a beautiful place.
Congratulations on your newest grandchild.
The French Hutch
Don't you just love naturalized lilies this time of year??? So beautiful and they thrive on neglect.
I'm your newest follower....101! Found you via Kim's blog.
What lovely pictures and beautiful rest stop. Thanks for stopping by my blog. You have a lovely one.
Wow, this is the nicest landscaped rest area I have ever seen. The flowers and landscaping is fantastic. Ohio must be depressed, because we don't see this! LOL In fact, the state closed a lot of the rest stops years ago. I have to say that my home state of NM has the cleanest rest stops of any I've visited. There is something about the smell of Pine Sol that just says fresh....
Being from NC I love this state. You captured some beautiful scenes. So great to see such wonderful comments from everyone about our state.
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